Aries 15 december 09
2009-12-15 / 10:55:16
Daily Horoscope:
Just as you are ready to do whatever is necessary to defend your rights and freedom, so are your fellow beings: this is something you need to remember today, Aries. In the meantime, it looks as if there is a lot going on with friends and social activity that should be paid attention to. These activities could involve travel, or, at the very least, going somewhere you've never been. There is some adjustment in your work schedule you may be making in order to accommodate the holiday season today, and you'll probably get the changes you want.
Om vi börjar fint bakifrån i spalten så måste jag säga att om jag får förändringarna som vi kan invänta så blir jag glad ;) Förändring är roligt och bra. Det känns som att det kan bara bli bättre i detta läge jag är i nu. Det är säkerligen juldagen som klassas som en social aktivitet, en dag utan vetskap. Vi har en Ide men undra sa flundra om den håller. Mot Fiske kyrka tihi
Love Horoscope:
Today the intensity of late is going to start coming together for you, Aries, and you will find that by the end of the day, you will feel very productive when it comes to romance. Whether you are single or attached, some good things are on the horizon when it comes to love, and you could find that you are appreciated or valued for your feelings or your ability to act and get things done. This is a time when you express yourself very clearly, and conversations, negotiations, and communications of all kinds can be very successful in any love or romantic relationship you are involved in. Today is a day where the feeling is that time flies when you're having fun, and you can expect nothing but positive progression towards your romantic goals today.
Uhh blir helt varm i kroppen av all romantik som virrar runt. Har dock svårt att tro att denna dagen ska sluta romantisk. Men visst visst ni som läser detta. Hör av er så kan ni säkert få krypa upp i soffan i kväll breve mig. En film å så e det bra ;) Haha Romantisk ska bli mitt nya mellan namn. Fåt öva lite på Sisse i veckan. Så jag inte misslyckas på the grand finale ;)
My Fortune Cookie:
Don't forget, you are always on our minds.
Jag beklagar att jag gjort sånt intryck ;) älska mig som jag älskar er